DC Metro Action is a listing of local actions, entertainment, volunteer opportunities and the occasional rant on a wide range of socially just issues.
contact me at dcmetroaction@comcast.net
Filmmakers Lori Cheatle and Daisy Wright crisscrossed the nation, interviewing experts and individuals about corporate influence on American life and hearing how people across the country feel their own lives have been affected. The film looks at some of the brave, compelling and sometimes hilarious ways in which individuals and communities are reacting.
This funny and moving documentary shows that every person can make a difference, even when pitted against the enormous power of big business. It's showing on Thursday, March 17, at 5:30 p.m., at The American University (4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Mary Graydon Center, Room 300; 202/885-3107).
DC Metro Action is published by Michael Schlesinger, a 32-year veteran of electoral and issue organizing who is committed to social justice and to increasing participation in the political process.
All original content (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Michael Schlesinger