A Reality Tour of Youth Violence in DCThere are always many sides to a story. But the question is—whose story is believed the most? This summer, the Youth Action Research Group (YARG) examined the problem of youth violence. We looked at the story that gets told most often to explain youth violence. The story we hear most, that gets the most air play, that gets taken most seriously, goes all around the problem but never addresses the root causes. The people who get blamed for the problem and those who are most affected don't get heard. Youth and youth workers aren't often asked to be part of writing the story because people think they don't care.
This summer we ran focus groups with youth who experience violence or know people who have.
We think it's important to examine these issues from the perspectives of youth, parents and families because they are in the middle of violence and experience it every day.
Our experiences and ideas can help stop youth violence.
Come listen to what WE think.
(Excerpt from the introduction to the YARG research report, by LaKeisha McKinley, age 16)
YARG will present a Reality Tour of Youth Violence in DC on Wednesday, Nov. 17, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., at All Souls Church (1500 Harvard St. NW; use the 15th Street entrance). The free event will feature street theater, a live hip-hop performance, food, a slide show and sound booths. For more information, call 202/462-5767.