DC Metro Action is a listing of local actions, entertainment, volunteer opportunities and the occasional rant on a wide range of socially just issues.
contact me at dcmetroaction@comcast.net
Action of the Day Many of these action alerts are found on the listservs and websites of organizations listed in our "Act Locally" section (Left).
Thursday, October 14, 2004
And Now Your Moment of Zen
In the spirit of "That Was the Week That Was" with David Frost and "Weekend Update" with Chevy Chase, "The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart brings the most incisive "fake news" to American television viewers. Shake hands with the newsman as he signs his new book, "America (The Book): A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction," at Politics and Prose (5015 Connecticut Ave. NW), on Friday, Oct. 15, at 1 p.m. Stewart will be joined by Onion senior writer and Daily Show executive producer Ben Karlin.
Autographs will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis. People may begin lining up at 10 a.m.; no tickets are needed for the line. There will be no limit to the number of books signed but they will not be personalizing and will not sign any memorabilia. Photographs will be allowed.
DC Metro Action is published by Michael Schlesinger, a 32-year veteran of electoral and issue organizing who is committed to social justice and to increasing participation in the political process.
All original content (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Michael Schlesinger