Bicycle FestivalThe Shaw EcoVillage/Chain Reaction and Manna CDC are hosting a family-friendly bicycle festival, which will include:
* Bicycle fittings and safety checks
* A helmet giveaway
* An obstacle course and "slowest person" race
* A raffle of bike-related services and items donated by local businesses
* A "petting zoo" featuring bikes and other human-powered vehicles
* Advice and workshops for adult bike enthusiasts, including commuting and technical skills
* A guided bike tour of the Shaw historical neighborhood.
The event was developed by EcoDesign Corps interns, and will be held on Saturday, June 5, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Shaw Skate Park (11th Street and Rhode Island Avenue NW). For more information, call Noel at 202/265-2019.
Shaw EcoVillage