DC Metro Action is a listing of local actions, entertainment, volunteer opportunities and the occasional rant on a wide range of socially just issues.
contact me at dcmetroaction@comcast.net
Action of the Day Many of these action alerts are found on the listservs and websites of organizations listed in our "Act Locally" section (Left).
Friday, September 05, 2003
Adams Morgan Festival
The 25th Annual Adams Morgan Festival will be celebrated with a series of events culminating with the traditional 18th Street Festival on Sunday, Sept. 7, from noon to 6pm. The festival highlights the best of Adams Morgan, Washington's most densely populated and ethnically diverse neighborhood. The weekend of festivities will open on Saturday, Sept. 6, with an arts market on Belmont Road at 18th Street, jazz performances in Kalorama Park, finals for a youth soccer tournament at Lincoln Field, and a youth basketball tournament at Marie Reed School on 18th Street. For a complete schedule of activities, log on here.
DC Metro Action is published by Michael Schlesinger, a 32-year veteran of electoral and issue organizing who is committed to social justice and to increasing participation in the political process.
All original content (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Michael Schlesinger