Ed Rosenthal Needs Your HelpIf you don't regularly read Zoe Mitchell's Nominally-Arbitrary Project, you should. This tireless warrior sits front-row center at some of Washington's most important actions. Her latest:
Ed Rosenthal Needs Your Help! Come outraged and determined to help the DC chapter of Americans for Safe Access educate the average citizen about the benefits of medical marijuana and their rights as jurors. Americans for Safe Access is an action-oriented, grassroots campaign of patients and supporters working at the national level to change the unjust laws that prevent patients from accessing medical marijuana.
************Jury Education Direct Action on Medical Marijuana
Wednesday, June 4, 8 to 9 a.m.
E. Bartlett Prettyman Federal Courthouse, 333 Constitution Ave. NW
The U.S. District Court in Northern California will be sentencing Ed Rosenthal, the world’s leading marijuana cultivation expert and best-selling author, on Thursday, June 4, at 2:15 p.m. His conviction includes conspiracy to manufacture marijuana, manufacturing marijuana, and maintaining a place for manufacturing marijuana.
Earlier this year, several jurors from Rosenthal’s trial called for a re-trial on the grounds that they had not been allowed to consider the California law that makes medical marijuana legal. Rosenthal was indicted under federal law, which does not allow the growing of marijuana for any purpose. In fact, the former jurors made a public apology after the decision was made, saying that they did not know the marijuana was actually grown was for medical purposes.
A jury has the power to decide the issues of law under which a defendant is charged as well as the facts. Jurors can question the law, have the right to acquit, and can use discretion in applying the law. We want citizens to know that jurors have just as much power to judge law and fact as Congress, the president, or even the Supreme Court and must keep in check the power of government.