Baseball Stadium Financing Strategy MeetingDC Action for Children and Friends of the Earth invite advocates, environmentalists and others to a strategy meeting to prepare for the DC City Council's June 12 hearing on baseball stadium financing. The two groups have voiced opposition to the stadium because of concerns that Mayor Williams's financing plan would deplete funds needed for health, human services, education and environmental programs.
The legislation – Bill 15-270, "The Ballpark Revenue Amendment Act of 2003” – is available online here or by calling 202/724-8050. At the meeting, the DC Fiscal Policy Institute will summarize the legislation and provide an overview of the research showing that baseball is bad economic development.
The strategy meeting takes place Thursday, June 5, from 4 to 5:30 p.m., at Friends of the Earth, 1025 Vermont Ave. NW, Third Floor (near Metro Center). Come prepared to develop common language for the June 12 public hearing, share strategies and tactics already under way, and identify others who should be engaged in this effort. For more information, contact Chris Weiss, Friends of the Earth, at 202/783-7400, ext. 120, or e-mail here; or Susie Cambria, DC Action for Children, at 202/234-9404 or this e-mail.