Rally to Save the Gales School CenterFor the last two years, the Gales School has provided life-saving shelter during inclement weather to 150 homeless persons. Although a plan to close Gales on May 31 was cancelled this week, reports are that Gales will close later this fall -- just as the cold weather arrives and despite the growing need for more family shelters.
The District of Columbia is planning to spend $7 million to renovate Gales for use by a nonprofit as office space for a children's advocacy center. Although helping children is a worthy goal, the Coalition of Homeless & Housing Organizations (COHHO) does not think it must come at such a great cost to our city's homeless residents.
Gales's central location near downtown and the size of the building have been key in helping many who in the past would not have come inside during extreme weather. COHHO is recommending that the city:
1. Maintain the Gales School permanently as a year-round, low-barrier hypothermia/hyperthermia shelter for men and women.
2. Find a suitable, alternate site for the children's advocacy center.
3. Provide capital funds to improve the Gales School facility in a historically appropriate manner for use as a shelter.
Join COHHO at its rally to save the Gales School Shelter on Wednesday, May 21, 10:30 a.m., at Freedom Plaza, 13th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW. For more information, contact Mary Ann at 202/872-1494.