DC Metro Action is a listing of local actions, entertainment, volunteer opportunities and the occasional rant on a wide range of socially just issues.
contact me at dcmetroaction@comcast.net
Action of the Day Many of these action alerts are found on the listservs and websites of organizations listed in our "Act Locally" section (Left).
Tuesday, February 25, 2003
Metro Fare Increases? For What?
I heard on the news last night a story about DC Metro’s proposed fare increase. Metro’s press release details every 25 cents increase for this and each 60 cents increase for that. It goes into great detail about where Metro would add in every extra dime increase for you and me to fork over. Metro also cries poverty, with a $48 million shortfall, as justification for the increases on everything from off-peak bus rides to peak parking.
But nowhere have I heard about improvements to the service. Will the escalator problems be dealt with? How about the full third of the fleet that was out of service during the week after the snow storm? I would be thrilled to pay an extra quarter here and there if it resulted in a significant upgrading of service. I would prefer that Metro’s energies and resources go into deeper discounts for seniors, working escalators and a whole host of needed improvements. And leave the 10 percent bonus on $20-cards and the rail-to-bus paper transfers alone.
That’s what I think. You can rant here about your Metro heaven or hell. Just click the comments link beneath this article – or better yet, show up at one of the public hearings Metro is holding over the next week. Click here for the complete schedule and information about how you can testify.
DC Metro Action is published by Michael Schlesinger, a 32-year veteran of electoral and issue organizing who is committed to social justice and to increasing participation in the political process.
All original content (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Michael Schlesinger