DC Metro Action is a listing of local actions, entertainment, volunteer opportunities and the occasional rant on a wide range of socially just issues.
contact me at dcmetroaction@comcast.net
Action of the Day Many of these action alerts are found on the listservs and websites of organizations listed in our "Act Locally" section (Left).
Monday, February 24, 2003
Are DC’s Taxes Too High?
As the District faces the prospect of more harmful budget cuts, the issue of local taxes is more critical than ever. On Tuesday, Feb. 25, from 7 to 9 p.m., you can learn more about our local taxes at the Fair Budget DC Tax Forum. Members of the DC Fiscal Policy Institute and Citizens for Tax Justice/ITEP will give an overview of DC's tax structure and recent trends in tax rates and revenues. The panel discussion, sponsored by the Fair Budget Coalition, will be held at University of the District of Columbia, Van Ness Campus, on the second floor of Building 39 (the room number will be posted).
DC Metro Action is published by Michael Schlesinger, a 32-year veteran of electoral and issue organizing who is committed to social justice and to increasing participation in the political process.
All original content (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Michael Schlesinger