Attend Workshop for South Capitol Street Development If you care about transportation issues, community development and environmental sustainability, historic preservation or related concerns in DC, then please attend this workshop. You will be evaluating five transportation options for South Capitol Street, as a participant in the South Capitol Street Gateway Study.
This study could affect DC neighborhoods including Sheridan, Historical Anacostia, Barry Farms, Buzzard Point, Navy Yard, Southwest Waterfront, Near Southeast and Capitol Hill, so if know people who live or work in these neighborhoods, please make sure they know about this meeting!
DATE/TIME: January 25th, 9 am - noon (registration at 8:30)
LOCATION: Savoy Elementary School, 2400 Shannon Place, SE (across from the Anacostia Metro Station)
OTHER: Light refreshments and limited child assistance will be provided.
ACCESSIBILITY: The building is wheelchair accessible from the parking lot facing Talbert St. Persons with special needs should call the DC Dept. of Transportation ASAP at 202-671-2244.
CONTACT: John Deatrick, DDOT Project Manager -- Phone: (202) 671-2244 -- Email:John Deatrick
DETAILS: DC-area residents, small business owners, commuters, bicyclists and other interested parties are invited to participate in the South Capitol Street Gateway Study’s third public workshop. The purpose of the study is to identify options for improving the liveability, economic development, urban design and access (pedestrian, transit and vehicular) in the South Capitol Street Corridor between Independence Ave. and Suitland Parkway (including Frederick Douglass Bridge), and New Jersey Ave. between Independence Ave. and M St. SE.